Saturday, September 3, 2011

Real Life Short Stories

Lol....Sitting At The Traffic Light....The Light Was Green.....But Everyone Was Continued to Sit patiently at The Light. In The Distance, A Siren Neared The Sitting Cars.....It Was An Emergency Vehicle...Yet, An Angry Horn Exploded From The Set Of Cars That I Were Standing Around The Car....I Stopped! Observed The Surrounding License Plates....And Realized Why The Car Honked Its Horn.....I Shook My Head And Chuckled..."Effin New Yorkers," I Rimaced...Short Stories Are Cool.... :-)
 In the state of Ohio, whether you have the green light, in motion, you MUST  Stop or move your vehicle out of the Emergency vehicles path. Unless there is a cement divider that separates the two sides of the road....

Friday, September 2, 2011

Short Stories By T.Y. Ball....Doesn't that sound nice? :-)

Yeah....I finally made the decision to start writing short stories on my blog. I will be posting one short story a week. They will be based on the happenings in my characters life.....

I will be posting the Synopsis SOON....

Friday, August 26, 2011

New Turn...

Along with my earrings and T Shirts....Im following my childhood dream of becoming a novelist.....Im not sure as of yet but i may begin with writing short stories on my blog.

Will be recreating the Cookie monster earrings. This time...he will be a character on the earring. I also have other new videos coming up....

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Hairband Holder....

This is my version of Pursebuzz' hairband holder tutorial. I used denim fabric for my design. Instead of using an oatmeal container, I used a Lipton Iced Tea container; because its what i had that was available to use. I measured the fabric, cut the fabric and hot glued it to the container. I made sure to only glue the denim on the cardboard section of the container. I did not cover the metal rim. Then i decorated the lid. I primed it with a white colored acrylic paint then multiple layers of silver fabruc paint. after it finally dried....I painted the edges of the  lid with clear nailpolish. While the polish was wet, i sprinkled a light dusting of a fine silver glitter. When it all dried completely, I Hot glued a flower that i made out of the same denim.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Cookie Monster Earrings

I finally decided to use all of my earrings that have turned or i have gotten tired of them...into sesame street inspired earrings. Im going to design them to match my collection of cartoon character fitted hats.

Elmo Earrings....

They are coming along. Slowly!!!!  I was going to just make a basic color blocked design...but after starting and going through a complete creativity block...i decided to just freehand an Elmo face on these heart earrings. This Is the beginning of what I have so far....

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Sanyo Eneloop Ready To Use Rechargeable Batteries Review

First Off...I know that batteries are not intended to last forever. When I charged my energizer rechargeable batteries and they did not hold the charge...I Panicked! I did some research and stumbled across these Double ASanyo Eneloop Batteries on It came fully equipped with charging dock and all. After reading the info and reading reviews....I decided to give them a try.

I patiently waited for them to come in the mail(not exactly. I was frantic!) When they finally came, i immediately recorded my last video with my energizers(So Long Suckers).

When I put the Eneloops into my camera...I was amazed. This was the first time that my camera had ever been so responsive. The power on button turned on with ease! Even the flash on the camera was quick. It didnt take as long as it use to in order to warm the flash up. That was such a bonus for me since i can be a little impatient when it comes to electronics lol.

The Sanyo Eneloop batteries have
1000 recharging cycles
85% charge retention after 1 year(who doesnt need that?!)
4.4x photo-shooting battery life

Sanyo States That in a single charge, you can take over 500 pictures. I have put it to the test. 500 plus pictures and a couple of videos no longer than 10 min each.(beat that!)

Beit that the website states that the batteries will be fully charged when you get them, They werent. I dont blame it on or Sanyo. My postal service held my package for about 2 days and i dont know why. But thats no beef, i was still excited. They came half charged. Which i didnt see it as being a bad thing. I am currently on day 6 of the half charged battery. It is still 50 percent charged and i have take alot of pictures and videos for my youtube account. It is still holding up ferociously strong!

I have not found a need to charge the batteries at the moment....but the charger that I purchased have a usb plug. This means that there is no plug for the wall. You have to plug it into your PC or Laptop in order to charge. This option was good for me since in my houshold of eletronic junkies! ...wall outlets arent easy to come across. This harger also has the ability to change from a AA charger to a AAA charger in a matter of seconds! 2 chargers in 1! Super convenient.....

In conclusion, I LOVE these batteries! they get 10 thumbs up from me! I wish that i knew of these batteries sooner!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Hmmmmm......Flat Ironing....

I want to. But I am so afraid of doing it.

Monday, May 2, 2011

What Have I Been Up To?

Probably nothing.....But seriously...besides trying to figure out why my hand s kinda numb and my legs feel crazy weak!.....I have been working on editing some new review videos for YT.....And Stepping Up My video recording quality....Also....Making Some New Earrings For My Etsy Store.....

What I Will Be Reviewing....

Sanyo Eneloop rechargeable batteries
Coastal Scents Concealer Palette, 88 Palette, 12 Pc Brush Set(all separate Videos)

Thursday, March 3, 2011

My Transitioning Hairstyles

One Of My Favorite Ways To Wear My Mini Braids ( Side Ponytail  W/ Hairband )

How I Wear My Braid Outs ( Side Part Pulled Back Into A Bun)

Mini Braids ( I Wear These Alot! )

Curled Hair Via Perm rods

Big Braid Outs With Side Swoop Bangs

Braided Buns

Corn Rows