Saturday, September 3, 2011

Real Life Short Stories

Lol....Sitting At The Traffic Light....The Light Was Green.....But Everyone Was Continued to Sit patiently at The Light. In The Distance, A Siren Neared The Sitting Cars.....It Was An Emergency Vehicle...Yet, An Angry Horn Exploded From The Set Of Cars That I Were Standing Around The Car....I Stopped! Observed The Surrounding License Plates....And Realized Why The Car Honked Its Horn.....I Shook My Head And Chuckled..."Effin New Yorkers," I Rimaced...Short Stories Are Cool.... :-)
 In the state of Ohio, whether you have the green light, in motion, you MUST  Stop or move your vehicle out of the Emergency vehicles path. Unless there is a cement divider that separates the two sides of the road....

Friday, September 2, 2011

Short Stories By T.Y. Ball....Doesn't that sound nice? :-)

Yeah....I finally made the decision to start writing short stories on my blog. I will be posting one short story a week. They will be based on the happenings in my characters life.....

I will be posting the Synopsis SOON....